Norwegian Defence League Hold Demonstration In Oslo – 9 April 2011

By Aeneas Lavinium • on April 9, 2011

Today the Norwegian Defence League (NDL) held its first demonstration at the Kontraskjæret Park in Oslo.  15 people are reported to have been in present.  The Norwegians should not be disheartened by the small number in attendance – the important thing was that the demo took place.  It was a small demonstration, but we must all remember that the highly successful English Defence League began with only a handful of highly motivated individuals.  In any case, defying the myopic and self destructive impulses of Europe’s governing elite brings its own rewards and satisfactions.  The NDL are performing and important role and represent a growing global trend to oppose Islamism and sharia norms.

Of course there does seem to have been a great deal of demonization from Norway’s political-media axis.  Indeed no defence league demonstration would be complete without the obligatory assemblage of people calling themselves ‘anti racists’ who unthinkingly and naively stand in opposition.  The Counterjihad stands in opposition to the evils of sharia and its associated barbarism which have nothing to do with race.

In 1940 the great British Leader Winston Churchill spoke about “so much owed by so many to so few” the Norwegian Defence League represents the modern few.  They have stepped forward despite the opposition of a brainwashed generation taught to hate their own culture by an intellectual and political elite who have let their country down.  The brave and farsighted people of the Norwegian Defence League have the congratulations of a grateful Global Counterjihad.  History will judge them favourably and their own countrymen in years to come will recognise that the few of the NDL were right all along.

Other coverage over at Tundra Tabloids.


By Philip Smeeton on April 10th, 2011 at 5:52 am

Do not rely too much on the Norwegians, they have been brain-washed for many years by their own media into hating America and Israel, and into loving Palestinians. Norway is what I term a pre-muslim state.

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By Aeneas Lavinium on April 10th, 2011 at 12:43 pm

Every country in the Western world has been brainwashed into hating the Western world and its superior culture. That includes the United States. The Global Counterjihad will not yield one inch of ground to sharia and will work to reverse process where it has been allowed to take root. Western Europe, North America, Australia and the rest of the West need to be liberated from sharia norms. When that is complete, regions previously subjugated by Islam will then be liberated from sharia norms. No-one, whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim should be forced to live under the barbarism of sharia. Sharia norms are an alternative to and a threat to our way of life.

We need to stand firmly behind the Norwegian Counterjihad, we need to celebrate their recent political activism and ensure that their movement grows. We can do this by publicising their recent action and encouraging them in their efforts. Norway is an integral part of Western Civilisation and we will never let it fall to sharia.

Remember also to spread the word about the Australian Counterjihads first steps when it demonstrates in Melbourne on 15 May 2011.

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By Dag Reidar Bye on April 13th, 2011 at 8:33 pm

There are already a an anti-Islam organisation called “Stopp Islamisering av Norge”, called SIAN. Norwegian Defence League is a bit unnecessary in Norway, since the problem with Islam is more severe in England/GB, and NDL will also create division between the anti-Islam movement. I think that is the reason why so few took part. There are no sharia courts in Norway. You don’t have no-go zones (at least not yet), no prayer call from mosques, massive public condemnation of extreme islamist views in the media, no financing from Saudi Arabia, no court cases regarding hate speech/blasphemy etc.

The situation is VERY different in Norway than in England. In Norway you already have an Islam critical party, called Fremskrittspartiet, (right populist party founded in 1973), and they have 22-23 % in the polls. They are and have always been fierce opponents of islamisation and immigration. They have even talked about repatriation of non-western immigrants. They are not a pure anti-islam party, but not far from it. They have clearly said that they will not accept any kind of islamisation in this country. Frp are also pro-Israel and they defended Israel during the Gaza bombings. Their future coalition partner Høyre (conservative, globalists party) was rather indifferent.

Regarding the brain wash: That is very true. Based on different polls and personal experience, my impression is like this:

ab 25-30% is positive about Israel
ab 50% are more or less negative/critical about Israel
The rest is indifferent.

A large part of those who don’t like Israel don’t know anything about the ISR/PAL conflict at all. They have seen pictures from the last Gaza bombing, and they thought it was terrible. That’s why they doesn’t like Israel. NRK, the Norwegian state broadcaster, and several state controlled major newspapers, are actually at war against Israel, and they do everything they can to make people hate Israel. The whole official Norway is at War against Israel, and the do everything they can to manipulate the population. Many of those who only follow the State controlled media may also change their opinion when they are exposed to the real situation Israel have to live with. The problem with islam will increase, more intifadas may take place in Oslo, and people will then understand Israel a bit better.

The problem with Norway is that they have very little border police and very little defence. Norway can very easily be occupied. I also think that Norway will go to war against Israel, if Israel answer an islamic attack with atomic missiles, something Israel may be forced to do if Qaida, Hamas, Hizballah, Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Egypt, Syria, Libanon, Libya attack at once. The whole official Norway are now supporters of movement who want to exterminate Israel, but you also have a different Norway.

In 2013 there will be an election, and the socialist will most likely loose their position. A pro-Israel, an Islam/immigration critical Government, will then be established. That’s the only realistic alternative to todays Government.

Regarding anti-Americanism: If you by anti-americanism means opposition to American core values, you will find that mainly on the left, among the socialists, and they have about 1/3 of the voters.

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By Hans Erling Jensen on April 17th, 2011 at 8:03 am

I was present in Oslo april 9. My daughter was married. My mother was present. She has bad knees, 85 of age as she is. So despite the warm spring weather, we had to !taxi” around in the city. 5 taxis, five pakistanis, not finding the routes, 2 with koran verses howling from the loudspeakers and only one behaved as if he was employed in a service branch.

Let me calm you. My family and the grooms family all are on our site. They just need to start getting active.

I made a story of my mothers trip going back to Denmark here:

All though it is in Danish, I can tell you that the security guards in the airport confiscated grandmas 3 centimetre long fold knife placed in here handbag! Inherited from her mother and made in Russia in 1919!

Well if Terry Jones is to blame for the violent murderous attack in Afghanistan, who can I blame for the persecution of my mother?

I am just asking!

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