Dutch Defense League Disbanded

By • on June 16, 2011

For Immediate Release                              Contact:  Rabbi Shifren

June 16, 2011                                          


The Dutch Defense Web site has been taken down, and the activists have gone home!

What has happened is that the situation in Holland is so grim, the fear of reprisals by barbaric Muslims is so acute, CITIZENS ARE AFRAID TO ASSEMBLE AND EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS ABOUT THE VERY DESTRUCTION OF THEIR COUNTRY!

Congratulations to the “multiculturalist” scum that has succeeded in destroying the country of Rembrandt and Anne Frank.

“Think this isn’t happening NOW in America?  Watch closely as CAIR  (accused by the FBI of being a co-conspirator in terrorist activities!), the Muslim Student Association, and the Muslim Brotherhood work 24/7 to restrict your freedom of expression, lawyering up with litigious assaults on academic freedom on our campuses, silencing and restricting the public discourse.  Today, it’s about free speech. Tomorrow, it’ll be about your FREEDOM.
America, wake up!

Rabbi Nachum Shifren

“America’s Rabbi”


California Security Council




Rabbi Nachum Shifren needs your help, please contribute any amount large or small to support his work in fighting for secure borders, protecting our Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, and preserving our individual rights as free Americans. We are proud supporters of the English Defense League! To contribute to this cause click on the following link:http://www.pleasecontribute.com/1554

“If we had 10 more teachers like Rabbi Shifren, we could turn around America tomorrow.”….Rev Jesse Lee Petersen.

  • Rob

    They need to get a grip and regroup. It will not be a simple or enjoyable experience fighting for our countries but it has to be done. If we wait demographics will be against us and it will be a choice of converting to islam or facing torture and death this includes our wives and children. These people are scum look at what they did to Russian school children, what they are doing to our white children ( its not racist though according to the establishment filth) in England. Meet force with force or we wont survive. We need to remove their establishment enablers as well as these savage 3rd world foreign bastards.

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